Through the Covenant of Circumcision, given to our great ancestor Abraham, a Jewish boy enters into the unique pact with G‑d, which distinguishes the Jewish people.

Circumcision expresses the way that Judaism brings holiness into every aspect of our being. The Torah repeatedly emphasizes its importance, and through the generations Jews have often been ready to face persecution rather than abandon the Covenant of Abraham.

An inspiring feature of Judaism today is the way Jewish boys and men of the former USSR undergo circumcision in expression of Jewish identity, since they did not have the good fortune to be circumcised as a baby. At eight days old, the operation is hardly more troublesome than a routine blood test.

Our Sages tell us that while a boy needs to be circumcised in order to enter the Covenant of Judaism, a girl is considered to have entered this Covenant from birth.

The 'Mohel' who performs the circumcision is a person who is highly trained and very experienced.

To find a qualified Mohel that serves the Casa Grande community, call 929-381-9332 or email [email protected]